These are books that have featured my art.

"COMMITTED TO PRINT" was an exhibit in New York, 1988. This book Committed to Print (ISBN 0-87070-299-8) is the catalog for an exhibition of the same name organized by Deborah Wye at The Museum of Modern Art. It is a look at social and political themes in recent political art. It includes art by over 100 artists ranging from Hans Haac ke, Nancy Spero and Peter Gourfain to Faith Ringgol.

The result of years of careful preparation, this two-volume work covers the artistic production and biographies of nearly 200 individual artists from across the United States as well as Chicano/a artists residing in Mexico and elsewhere. This unique work was published as a full-color coffee-table-quality set of books (featuring over 600 artworks in full color) with an accompanying Web site that provides bibliography, artists’ statements, and other updated information.

This beautifully produced coffee-table book showcases more than 120 works of Chicana and Chicano art and provides a good representation of the art movement for general readers as well as students. Created in part as a catalog for the 2004 exhibition of the same name, the book is also designed to serve as a useful tool for teaching Chicana/o art from the elementary grades through graduate school as well as for the novice adult.